IDGOMB - Saturday (not much but it was FUN!!!)
We were picking up little fish with our hands and putting them into a bucket to be returned to the pond, when it's level goes down some.
30 minutes of catching fish, up and down, and putting them in a bucket...
Then the rain started pouring again, I'm hoping after a nap the rain will stop and we can get back out there!!
At this point in time, I am thinking any movement will help me gather more flowers toward the challenge!!!
Hope everyone is able to get moving some today!!

on 5/9/09 6:21 am
I just got in from two hours of weeding my hideous raised bed. I built it, then over the past few years, neglected it. I have veggies in pots growing like gangbusters and need to get that bed up and running again.
All I know is that 2 hours of manually yanking bermuda grass (pictures) out of the ground is a great upper body workout! That and trying to keep Jack from eating Mr. Toad! I don't know why Mr. Toad was hanging out by the raised bed. He usually hangs out by the HVAC unit.
He should thank his lucky stars he survived the meeting. He was all scrunched up in a ball with his eyes shut. Since I was wearing gloves, I picked him up and put him behind some fencing where the dogs couldn't get to him. While I went there, he opened one eye as if to look around and see if it was safe! FUNNY! I put him down and played dead. I checked on him about 20 minutes later and he was gone. Hopefully he's somewhere safe and Jack didn't hurt him.
I guess today is Save The TN Wildlife day!
I'm ready for a nap. Who's N E X T?!?
Got up & took my girls to swimming lessons for one hour--got in the pool & swam & played w/the kiddos for an hour; came home & the weather was beautiful so we went outside. First we rode our bikes for about 45 minutes & then we played t-ball in the back yard (I just signed the girls up for t-ball over the summer, so they were practicing & having a blast)....ran bases & had fun; after making dinner, cleaning up, etc. I ran up and down both staircases (2 flights of 22 stairs on each flight) in the house 10 times--I guess that's 440 stairs (Legs were so tired it was like I was going to fall backward--I was barely climbing by the end!)
I have got my second wind & am going to get on the recumbent bike for 30 minutes & try to muster up the energy to do an arm workout & abs.....might be a pipe
I'm tierd just talking about it...........I need to lie down on the couch!